Paeonia 'Globe of Light'

Aspire to be a Flower

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Educational Blogging, a great concept!

In my last post I introduced myself. I talked about why I thought it was important to blog, but now, since I have taken the time to read the web sites that explain blogging in a much more specific sense, I have many more feeling on the topic. I am now well informed for the endless possibilities that the world of blogging permits! I am interested in the blog as a relationship tool between teacher and student. I am excited for this as a possibility in my class room, not only will it create a safe space for students to write, but what a insight into the lives of students. To be a successful teacher I believe that you need to create relationships, authentic relationships with your students, and this is a great way to grasp feelings and thoughts of students from out side the immediate classroom.

I also believe that blogging has a great potential to serve as a class notice board, every day it would take only a few moments to post that evenings homework and little reminders for the students to check when they got home. I think that it would also be a good tool for parents to become more involved with their child's education. Parents would able to see exactly what the requirements for the class would be, rather then receiving the vague notion of what was expected from verbal communication. We have all experienced the miscommunication that often happens during verbal communication. Blogging could potentially relieve some of these concerns!

I am excited for what this can do in the classroom, I know that I am going to implement this great tool in my class!

Well there you have it, I am now much more informed about the real educational benefits to blogging, and I am as you can tell excited about it!

Another day has gone, and another learning experience was had, it was a good day!

Good Night!


Blogger Alexa said...

Anya! I didn't know you had your own personal blog. Well now I have another blog to check out! So great....bloggin is the worlds way of procrastination I think!!

2:41 PM  
Blogger Robert Runté said...

I agree blogs have a great potential in the classroom. I am keeping that potential very constrained in this course (reduced to reading log) but I don't believe five weeks is enough time to build the necessary rapport to get the full benefits -- in a k-12 setting where you have kids for 8 months, I really really think blogging could be terrific.

12:23 PM  

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