Paeonia 'Globe of Light' is a flower, a beautiful floating flower, a vibrant flower, its name 'Globe of Light' suits it perfectly. This flower is a great inspiration for me, it speaks to me about what it means to teach... not only to appreciate the 'Globe of Light' but to BE a 'Globe of Light.'

As most of you know I have been blogging for quite a while, with my husband Jeremia. We started a blog ( before we left for our big trip to South America. We thought that it was a great way to stay in touch with friends and family and also share some of our photos with everyone. It worked out great, and we are still updating it, even though we have been back now for a few months. So The question is what do I think about blogging?!!... I think it would be safe to assume that I really enjoy it, I think it is a valuable tool, and I believe that its a great way to stay connected and learn about others around you!
I am starting this new blog for my Communication Technology class. I have begun the road to becoming a teacher, PS1 is already in full swing and it is much different then the many years that I have had in the Faculty of Fine Arts. I am enjoying my classes already, and am very excited for what is to come!
So as you can figure out I am a Art Major, I am really excited about getting in the schools to teach art. I think it is a integral part of life, and I can't wait to share that with the students!
Here is something to think about, you can also apply this to teaching, that is; teaching as the 'water' and students as the 'flower petals and stems.'
"Always keep the water fresh; flower petals and stems can very
quickly produce rotting bacteria."
Malcom Hiller
Loved the pesonal blog...but the photo of that dog is going to give me nightmares!
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