Paeonia 'Globe of Light'

Aspire to be a Flower

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Title of Activity: Exploring Modern Art

Reference Section:

Ford family programs at MoMA. (n.d). Destination Modern Art Retrieved Sept. 27, 2006, from

Grade Level: 3

Subject: Art

Brief Description of Activity:

Students will go to a website, in which they will explore the MoMA online. The students will chose three activities to complete at three different works of art. The websites students will visit is If the student completes this they may start gathering information about their favourite artwork to share with a small group. The information that they will need to share with the group includes: The title of the artwork, the name of the artist, the date the artist finished the work, and where the artist is/was from.

General Learner Outcome:
Develop an appreciation of artistic accomplishments, past and present.

Specific Learner Outcomes:
Appreciation: Students will interpret artworks by examining their context and less visible characteristics.
A) Contextual information (geographical, historical, biographical, cultural) may be needed to understand works of art.
B) Artistic style is largely a product of age
C) Technological change effects art
D) Our Associations influence the way we experience a work of art
E) Art is valued for different reasons; e.g., aesthetic, economic, symbolic, associative.
F) Art serves societal as well as personal needs.

ICT Outcomes:
C.5.1.1 share information collected from electronic resources to add to a group task

C.4.1.1 follow a plan to complete an inquiry

C.1.1.1 access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic resources for a specific inquiry

F.2.1.2 describe particular technologies being used for specific purposes

Rationale for Computer Integration:

Computers have been used in this activity to tear down the classroom walls and explore art! This is a great way to use technology and have students come into contact with modern art. The MoMA site does and excellent job of introducing students to the museum environment. I think it is a great way to help students peer teach, and use the technology that is available to us. This is an amazing site, and would be useful for any teacher to use. This activity would get the students excited about art; it is interactive, colourful, and informative!


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