Paeonia 'Globe of Light'

Aspire to be a Flower

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Social Context Post #5

Education Is Our Right

I went to go see the play last night Education is Our Right. I found the play to be very informative and I was also glad to be there for the Friday “Talk” back. This was held after the play and all the characters and the director were present so we could ask questions and talk about the issues.

The play took the theme of spirits past, present and future. Showing the Minister of Indian Affairs the harm that he was doing by trying to implement the cap on tuition. I liked the dialogue that went on between the characters and found that it was very moving. The content of this play was highly charged and with a new conservative government back in, the issue may come up again. I found that I learned a lot about the feelings of the people in this play, and I feel like I have a better understanding of how Aboriginal people may feel, although I know that I will never truly get it. I am amazed at how much the general public does not know, and how we are just not taught these issues in school.

I think the cast and the director did a great job, and I am really glad that I went to see this play. I am amazed at the strength of the Aboriginal people and hope that in my teaching one day I can encourage and build up young kids whose families have been torn down for so long, maybe one day I can help instead of hurt. Stand up for your rights!


Blogger Tricia said...

I also think it is appalling that we are not taught about these issues in school. Between that play and our class on Thursday, I feel like we actually learned something about Canadian history. No wonder kids today have trouble identifying with who they are when we live in a country that can't admit where it came from.

5:58 PM  

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