Paeonia 'Globe of Light'

Aspire to be a Flower

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Socail Context Post #10

By: Louis Schmier

I thought that this article was really interesting. I have had similar experiences in nature. I think that it partly due to the multiple intelligences. I am myself the very best in nature, where ever that may be, I can focus, relax, see things more clearly, become rejuvenated, all in nature, it is my very favorite place. Whether it is in the Mountains or in the coolies, it doesn’t really matter. I think that wherever you can go to find the kind of focus and energy that the author wrote about, you have to go and do it. I like that he brought his experience into something that could be done in a daily way, like a routine. This makes it manageable. I find that when I walk in the early morning and see the sun rise, my day is off to a good start. I think as teachers we each have to find out what works for us, what makes us think about each student for who they are, how we can make a difference, I think we each need to find our own "blueberries"!

I like what he said at the end:

"And we cannot teach those whom we do not know no less than we can teach that which we do not know."

Louis Schmier


Blogger Amy said...

Anya, Your post starting my thinking of where my happy place is and what rejuvenates me. I think for me it would probably be being around family and friends, especially now since I'm so far apart from them. However, I like yourself, do enjoy nature. Summers over the past few years have been filled with camping and fishing trips. I don't know what it is, but there's something about getting out of the city and exploring nature that boosts your energy.

12:40 PM  

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