Paeonia 'Globe of Light'

Aspire to be a Flower

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Socail Context Post #8

ADO A comic Short Story
By: Connie Willis

This article was great to read, I must have not read the part about it being humorous, so when I began to read it I thought, this is interesting, what the heck! Anyways I figured it out by the “Seniors Against Devil Worship” part. The author makes a compelling point as to freedom of speech and censorship through out the writing of this story. Basically this teacher decided to teach Shakespeare but was not allowed because of all the “societies” and “groups” that were against it. The teacher had to run the entire play through a screening system and take out anything that might have offended anyone. One great example of this was the Drapery Defence League who objected the part in the play where Polonius is stabbed because he was hiding behind a drapery panel. By the end of the screening there were two lines left in the play that were acceptable for the general classroom, this is of course after the class had to fill out permission forms to be there. WOW, this is insane!
It’s funny to think that this is where we could be going in education. Are we censoring everything out so that there is nothing left to teach, are we being too sensitive to everyone’s views and needs? I don’t know the answers. Although I do know that the author has a good point and I enjoyed reading this article. Where are we going? Could we end up like this!?!?!?


Blogger Felicia Mak said...

You're absolutely right, you can't please everyone or avoid offending anyone.I think what we can do is use the conflicts that arise as discussion to get different points of view out. It's no use sheltering our students from everything that is "bad". They need to learn how to think critically for themselves about what they believe and what others believe. I don't believe censorship does anything to "protect" anyone, because there are so many other resources out there that someone could get their hands on if they wanted.

8:38 PM  

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