Paeonia 'Globe of Light'

Aspire to be a Flower

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Social COntext Post # 7
The Workings of class: How Understanding a subtle difference between social classes can premote equality in the classroom and beyond

The article written by Adrie Kusserow talks about the middle and lower class in America. It is interesting that the author points out the hard individualism and the soft individualism of these groups. Hard being the working class and soft being the upper and middle classes. The author examines how these classes treat their children and how these communication differences affect the classroom. It is interesting to hear that there are some major differences in thought between these groups.
I agree to a point with the author about these differences, and maybe they are more evident in the area where the research was being done, Manhattan and Queens. I feel for the most part that there may have been some generalization for each of the groups. I have to think that the way we raise our children has to be a bit more individualistic that just hard or soft. I know many working class people who live in Southern Alberta who have a very soft mentality, and many upper to middle class people who have a very hard mentality. I think you have to look at the individuals. I am not saying that there is not a class difference within the schools I think that there is, but I also think that you can not generalize only on what type of job that you have or where you live, yes that plays into it, but we are individuals here, not just a group.


Blogger Robert Runté said...

I think the point here was more that the class differences with which we are confronted can be fairly subtle, and that while we think we are talking the same language as the parents, they may in fact be interpreting what we say and (vice versa) from very different perspectives.

9:49 AM  

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